Saturday 20 February 2010

The way you make me feel

Saturday 20 February

Today took me back and made me realise why I started this challenge in the first place. I felt a feeling today I have not felt for ages. My brother came and collected his daughter from my house and in conversation with my wife and sister-in law stated that Man Utd lost today. I felt deflated and annoyed at the news and its made me blog about my feelings. As I right now I'm annoyed at them as I had a feeling that they were doing alright and was totally shocked as I thought they were playing in the Carling Cup Final tomorrow. It shows you how out of touch I am. It has reenforced my challenge as I don't enjoy feeling this way. Some people may laugh but I'm sure there's a couple of hundred if not thousands of Football fans who get this feeling after a defeat.

I've not blogged for a while as nothing of significance has happened and in fact the challenge was or had become quite dry and I struggled with things to write and say. I did say in earlier blogs that I wasn't going to blog for the sake of it. To rejunvenate the blog and challenge, I met with my Cousin on Friday and we changed up the feel to the blog so that it looks fresh and he showed me how to insert images and videos into the blog so look out for those features in the next few blogs. I'll try and freshen things up. My cousin told me a few things about what was happening in the world of football and I was surprised to hear that Sol Campbell was back at Arsenal now there's a turn up for the books.  He did say a few other things as well.  He was shocked when some things he would of expected me to know and I didn't and then he remembered about the challenge.

Today, I learnt how to insert a poll onto my blog so hopefully a new interactive tool will also be an attraction for readers. Your opinions on what to poll on are most welcome.

A friend 'DN' has given me some advice on what I could do to improve the blogs so I've tried to take that on board. I've learnt that its not easy to leave comments here, so that's a little disappointing as I like to hear from readers. It acts as a little motivation for me.

Today was the second week of my PA systems course and today was difficult.  As part of the course, we have been given a date whereby we have to wire up a live show; which should be interesting.  Its a gospel concert.  When I have the details, I will post them here.  Feel free to attend and watch a master in action. (jokes) But seriously feel free to attend.

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